Saturday, May 10, 2008

Livin the dream back in Bogota!

I just returned to Bogota from my backpacking trip through Colombia, Ecuador and Peru! I just spent the last two days loading all the pictures from the trip to Facebook and spent awhile adding explanations in lieu of a blog entry. For all of you who have kept asking for pictures, now you can finally see them all! Don't worry, you don't have to be a registered member of Facebook to see the pictures, just click the following links to see the albums with my commentary. Please feel free to make comments or send me your thoughts. I always love hearing from you all!

Click here to see the Colombia picture album!

Click here to see the Ecuador picture album!

Click here to see the Peru picture album!

And for a quick update, I did ultimately decide to wait a year to go to law school. I will be staying in Colombia for approximately two more months to continue my volunteering and livin the dream. From there, the possibilities are endless, but I'm currently exploring the option of going to Guatemala for a few weeks after leaving Bogota. Ultimately, I'll definitely be home by August because my little brother just announced he's getting married! At first, he was having the marriage in May, but because I and some other family member's couldn't make it on short notice, he pushed back the date. I'm so happy and so glad I get to go!

After that, I'm still moving forward with my plans to travel the world for a year before starting law school next Fall. It's still in the preliminary stages, but I couldn't be more excited about seeing more of this wonderful world we live in!

Well, I hope you all enjoy the pictures. Stay in touch and know that I miss you all!

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